what is happening to our area because of climate change

WWF International

WWF International

Causes of climate change

Climatic change is happening considering of united states of america.

Man activities are releasing excessive amounts of greenhouse gases into our atmosphere.

Equally a result, the globe is already one degree warmer on average than information technology was earlier the Industrial Revolution.

© Edward Parker / WWF


Every bit concentrations of greenhouse gases take increased, the Globe has warmed

From 1906-2005, the average global temperature rose by 0.74ºC, with well-nigh of that warming occurring since 1970. By 2015, the boilerplate global temperature had warmed by over 1ºC since pre-industrial times. Sixteen of the 17 warmest years on record take been in 21st century.

This warming isn't the same everywhere. Some areas with crucial ecological importance - like around the poles - are warming at two or three times the global average.

This climate change is because of deed

The main causes of climate change are:

  • Humanity's increased utilize of fossil fuels – such equally coal, oil and gas to generate electricity, run cars and other forms of transport, and ability manufacturing and manufacture

  • Deforestation – because living trees blot and store carbon dioxide

  • Increasingly intensive agriculture – which emits greenhouse gases similar methane and nitrous oxide

Today's industrialised countries – includng New Zealand – have congenital their economies on buring fossil fuels to provide electricity, transport and to develop industries. Developing countries are now starting time to do the same.

New Zealanders are big emitters

Though Aotearoa New Zealand is a small country, individual New Zealanders have large carbon footprints. The average New Zealander emits over 16 tonnes of greenhouse gases every year - more than the average European, and over twice the average Chinese person'south emissions.

We are one of the thirty biggest per capita emitters in the globe, and our emissions are still growing. Our emissions are projected to take grown past 32-37% from 1990 to 2020.

© James Frankham / WWF

The argument is over. Anyone that doesn't believe that climate modify is happening doesn't believe in science.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Nosotros don't know where the tipping points are

The thing is, temperature rise won't exist linear. Role of what makes climatic change so urgent is that temperatures will continue to increase long after greenhouse gas emissions are curbed.

Scientists believe the planet may reach one or more 'tipping points', where changes volition become irreversible or positive feedback loops will be triggered. One instance is the melting of ice sheets, which will drastically consequence both sea levels and the planet's entire climate system.

© naturepl.com / Bryan and Carmine Alexander / WWF

THE Scientific discipline IS CLEAR

Climate scientists concur that humanity is responsible for the vast majority of global warming

The Intergovernmental Console on Climate change, the Un Surround Program's climate body, has said for over a decade that there is "unequivocal" show that the planet is warming and that the temperature increase is "very likely" due to human-made greenhouse gas emissions.

The IPCC does not carry out research itself only bases its assessment on peer reviewed and published scientific/technical literature.

The Console is made up of 2500+ scientific expert reviewers, 800+ contributing authors, and 450+ pb authors from 130+ countries.

Over 97% of peer reviewed journal manufactures on climate scientific discipline concord with the scientific consensus around climate change.

But nosotros have the solutions

The good news is: we accept the solutions. Real, technically viable, affordable alternatives to fossil fuels exist now.

To keep warming beneath 1.5˚C, nosotros demand to make the switch from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy and bring our carbon pollution downward to net zippo by 2050.

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© Adam Oswell/WWF

Climate change is the biggest issue facing the planet. People, species, and our precious environment are all at risk.

Our carbon pollution will have impacts all over the earth - including hither in Aotearoa New Zealand. Climate change is bigger than politics. This affects anybody.

But nosotros know the solutions. Together, a 100% renewable energy future is 100% possible. The transition is already underway.

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Climatic change is already affecting New Zealand. Our people and ecosystems are already feeling the heat.

Already, the national boilerplate temperature has risen by 0.nine˚C since 1900. Southward Island glaciers are retreating, and we're recording fewer frosts. New Zealand ports have measured an boilerplate 16cm of sea level ascension over the last 100 years. And businesses and people are already paying more for insurance to deal with extreme weather, like floods and droughts.

We can expect a lot more than to come. Climate change will near certainly cause more droughts, particularly in Northland and the E Cape. Information technology will mean increased rainfall in other areas, specially the West Declension, and an increased adventure of flooding. Coastal areas will face greater erosion, and possible overflowing.

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People around the globe are already feeling the impacts of climate change. Water supplies are shrinking, crop yields are dropping, forests are burning, and our oceans are becoming more acidic. This has huge implications for our livelihoods and human security.

Fragile ecosystems, similar coral reefs, are also already succumbing to climate alter impacts. Melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and new and more than frequent weather condition extremes will go out no continent untouched.

If nosotros let the warming continue unchecked, nosotros run a real risk of hit catastrophic tipping points. That's where the warming triggers positive feedback loops that lead to fifty-fifty more warming.

Acquire more than

To avoid the worst impacts of climate modify, scientists warn that average global temperatures should not be allowed to rise more than than 1.5˚C above pre-industrial levels.

When the world'southward governments committed to the Paris Agreement in 2015 - a new, global deal on climate change - they answered a call from our Pasifika neighbours, and agreed to try to proceed warming below 1.5˚C.

A rise in temperature above 1.5˚C could pb to a significant rise in sea levels, potentially displacing tens of millions of people, especially in the Pacific), a dramatic reduction in global nutrient supplies, water shortages affecting hundreds of millions of people, and an increased run a risk of extinction for upward to 30% of the world'due south species.

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The adept news is: we have the solutions. Real, technically feasible, affordable alternatives to fossil fuels exist at present. To keep warming below 1.5˚C, we need to make the switch from fossil fuels to 100% renewable free energy and bring our carbon pollution downwardly to net nothing by 2050.

Thing is, this won't just stop climate change. Switching from dirty fossil fuels to clean renewable energy will be amend for people, communities and businesses all over the globe.

And the change is already underway. Renewable energy technologies like wind and solar are getting cheaper and cheaper, and rolling out worldwide faster and faster. We can exercise this.

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Source: https://www.wwf.org.nz/what_we_do/climateaction/causes_of_climate_change/

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